Friday, February 18, 2011

Ugandan Technical Schools/ Lamp pictures

Below are links to two different directories of Ugandan technical schools that I found when we were talking about possible schools to approach last meeting. They are both basically online collections of information about technical school in Uganda, including names, locations, and contact information. If we decide we want to go ahead and speak directly to schools, this would be a great resource to find potential schools to contact.

I also went in to LBME today and took a bunch of pictures of the lamp to be used in our flyer. Below are a few of the better shots, but if you want a copy of all of them, email me and I will send them to you!

-Melissa Learman

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2/15/2011 Meeting Summary

Here's the lamp update for the week:

I. This Week's Meeting:
Yesterday we discussed our plan of action for finding a partner organization. We will update our brochure and then talk to Moses Lee for feedback on our brochure and pitch. After meeting with Moses we'll start contacting NGOs and trade schools. Our current model is to partner with trade schools and have them incorporate lamp building into their curriculum. This provides them with some additional revenue for the school and solves the sparse need problem. We found that there is a good directory of trade schools in Uganda. Pat and Liz worked on the generator and found that it generates slightly more power than expected. Liz updated us on her meeting with the EECS prof (details on the blog).

As a result of feedback during the general body meeting, we are going to try to build our lamp frame out of a single bike.

The main things that need to be fixed in the brochure are:
- mention more than just Africa as our target
- talk about technical school partnerships
- change hand-crank generator to bicycle generator

II. Action Items:
Melissa: Take pictures of the lamp with a mock head and counterweight; post Ugandan technical school directory to the blog
Mike D: Read the relevant sections of Abigail's thesis and post a summary to the blog (include technical info, location info, partner info, etc)
Dan: Update the brochure
Steve: Set up a meeting with Moses Lee
Pat: Do generator calculations
Liz: Talk to BlueLab about their bike generator
Jack: Calculate the specs we want for LEDs and look for some matching ones online

III. Abigail's Thesis:
Here's a link to Abigail's thesis:

Also, here's a link to her website (which has some relevant stuff):

IV. Next Week:
Next week we'll be meeting at 8pm in the LBME project room. Some of the time will probably be spent in the Wilson Center putting together lamp heads.

Meeting with Professor Hofmann

Hey everyone,

Some ideas for editing our current generator:
  • Using a hallow core rather than solid steel
  • Moving the core closer to the magnets
  • Rearranging the magnet orientation so that as a south pole passes one end of the core, a north pole passes the other end. (1st diagram)
  • Eliminating a core and changing the orientation of the wire (2nd diagram) spiraling the wire vertical rather than horizontally. However if more than one coil is used, such as in the 2nd diagram (a coil is represented by the red spirals), the direction of winding the coil must be alternated.

For the shake light idea this was the general design the professor advised...

This is a DC device, so it wouldn't need to be rectified like the bicycle design.

I also estimated the number of coils used on the current generator to be about 3132. The current wire is also 26 mm gauge magnet wire.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Notes from the 2/8 meeting

goal price under $100
want idea of battery life
target brightness around 800 lumens

Lamp Head:
real surgical lamps are ~2,600 lumens - ours doesn't need to be so bright
we should try to get our head to be big - close to 20" to reduce shadows
need LEDs with smaller beam angle although we can use these for an initial prototype
should try bike rim, pot, and fan cage

Waveform looks decent
lots of noise
connections need to be tightened up

Next week:
start working on three heads
put new rectifier on he generator
glue magnets on the generator
maybe make the generator stand stronger

Action Items:
Dan: call dad about surgical light, look for NGOs
Jack: look for NGOs
Pat: get a fan cage and a pot
Melissa: look up cellphone battery life (for at least a couple different models of phone), talk to Mike Lee about training
Elliot: post article online, take pictures of the current lamp prototype for the general body meeting
Mike: Get an estimate of the power one can generate from the foot pump generator
Steve: work on ppt for the general body meeting next week, get former MBA team members in touch with Dan
Liz: Get developing country bike statistics (cost, availability, etc)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Possible Non-Profits

Here are some nonprofits that are possibilities for getting in contact with. I tried to look for ones with characteristics that we talked about in the meeting. I'm including a brief summary along with links to each of these pages, if people want to look at it and give some input.

International Medical Corps:

-Work in Africa, Middle East, and Asia
-Focus on community-based health care
-Emphasize training and education in both medical and non-medical fields
-Recruit most (96%) of their staff from the local community

MAP International

-Christian organization working in Africa, Latin America, and Asia
-Provide medicine and disaster relief
-"seek to promote the Total Health of the communities we serve through the identification, training, equipping, and supporting of community leaders"


-Work in Latin America, Asia, and Africa
-Active in HIV/AIDS and infectious disease prevention and treatment, but also emphasize economic empowerment and community based health care

Project CURE

-Medical supply and equipment distributor
-Very widespread distribution route

SHARE Africa

-"Foster and promote health care education, research, advances in the health field, and the growth and availability of quality healthcare services"
-"Coordinate and support activities of not-for-profit organizations engaged in the betterment of mankind"
-Focus on sustainable projects based on community involvement
-Ship and distribute medical supplies as well

Most of the groups that I linked here are ones that have a focus on creating jobs within the local community. There are quite a few nonprofits out there that are focused more on medical equipment and supply shipment and distribution, but I thought that the ones I included here may be more specific to what we were looking for. These are just ones that I've found and I think are worth looking into, so if anyone has any more to add, please do so


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Conventional Surgical Lamp Specs

Here's the link to the Steris article I was talking about:

Some of the key specs:

- Surgical luminaire should produce between 40,000 and 160,000 lux
- Pattern size should be a min diameter of 6" to a max diameter of 12"
- Luminaires with diameters greater than 20" offer best shadow control
- Intended working distance (focal length): 39" (100% luminance)
- Desirable working range: 30" - 50"
- Close distance where illuminance is 20%: 24"
- Far distance where illuminance is 20%: 60"
- Depth of field: 36" (distance from 24" to 60")

Some pictures I found online that might give us an idea...

images from

image from

- Elliot -

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Meeting with Professor Hofmann

Hey everyone,

Sorry I didn't make it to the last meeting. So I emailed the professor and I scheduled a meeting with him for this Thursday at 11:30, his office is in the EECS building. I will post his office number as soon as I find out. Sorry for the inconvenience and late notice. I'd appreciate anybody who can come :) But if not I totally understand.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

2/3 Lamp Update

Hi everybody,
Here's this week's lamp update:

I. Meeting Summary:
Today Mike Dicenso joined us for the first time and told us about his idea to use a "shake light" type generator for the lamp powered by a foot pump. The engin 100 team actually initially wanted to have a foot pump design, but ended up going with the pedal design due to time constraints. This has the advantages that it probably would be easier to build than the pedal generator and could more easily be located in the operating room if the battery was running low during a surgery. The overall efficiency of this method and how well it scales up are unknown. We will be contacting an EECS prof. who is an expert on generators (and is currently teaching a generator class) to hear his advice. We also tested one of the LEDs that we got from ATC. Mike and Elliot's star-filled vision can testify to how bright they are. We just hooked it up to one of the power supplies in the project room. The LED has an angle of about 100 degrees so the spot size is much bigger than the 6" at 36" that we're looking for, but judging by how bright it is, 8 of them seem like they should be bright enough. If we do want to shrink the spot size, we'll have to design some kind of reflector assembly.

II. Action Items:
Elliot: Find FDA surgical lamp specs
Liz: Find out when the EECS prof is available and set up a meeting time
Mike D.: Post sketches of the shake light generator to the blog
Dan: Read over the material I sent you
Steve: Figure out what funding we have this semester

III. Next Week:
Our next meeting will be at our normal time, Tuesday at 8pm in the LBME project room (right after the M-HEAL general body meeting). First we'll start with a discussion of where we want the lamp to go from an implementation/business perspective. Then we'll break off into two groups with one group checking out the waveforms from the current generator prototype and one group starting to build a prototype lamp head with the new LEDs.

IV. Stuff Coming Up:
The lamp team will be presenting at the M-HEAL general body meeting two meetings from now. Development day is a day-long event where project teams set aside the day for M-HEAL in order to get a ton of work done. We keep you well fed, it's a good way to get to know other people in M-HEAL, and all the teams get a chance to get feedback from other M-HEAL members. Development day is scheduled for March 12th, so mark your calendars now. It will probably run from 10am to 7pm. The NCIIA grant proposal is due on May 6th. We've been competitive for this $20,000 grant in the past and have been told that with a more detailed business plan we should win it.

V. Brightness Units:
As per usual, we got tripped up by the proper units for describing how bright something is. Here's two wikipedia pages explaining how the units work.

Don't forget to post the work from your action item on the blog. If you have any questions shoot me an email.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011