Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Hey guys, sorry about the long time since the last update. There's alot of important updates in this so make sure to read all of it carefully.

I. No meeting this week
II. Dev Day
III. Emerging Markets Club collaboration

I. Dev Day:
As all of you know, this Sunday in Dev Day. Ram will be sending out the schedule in the next two days. Please let me know if you'll be coming so I can get a headcount. We need to decide what we're going to do during the group work time. Originally I had hoped that we could work on the optics setup but it doesn't look like we'll be getting those parts in time. Some of the time will be spent going over the NCIIA grant, modifying it for this semester's submission. We'll also spend some time talking with the Nicaragua team about about adding a light to the pelvic exam table. We can talk about the light fixture, but I don't know how much of that we can do without having the lighting parts on hand. Please send out ideas of other areas that need work.

II. No meeting this week:
Since M-HEAL is monopolizing your Sunday, I'm canceling Thursday's meeting.

III. Emerging Markets Club collaboration:
Today I met with two people from the B-School's EMC. They are going to be assigning two MBA students to our team from now until the end of February. Tentatively we'll be meeting with them sometime next week.

IV. NCIIA Grant:
The next deadline for the NCIIA E-Teams grant is Dec. 3rd. We stand a pretty good chance to get it this year if we can beef up our business plan. Hopefully the EMC students will be able to help us with that, although the members I talked to today thought that could be coming up too soon. I'm planning to set up meetings with Moses Lee and Kathleen Sienko, let me know if you're interested in attending.


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