Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lamp Update 3/15

Hey guys,
First Jack and Melissa gave some quick updates on research they've found relating to surgical lighting in developing countries. This info should be up on the blog soon. Next, we a look at the light the lamp head puts out. From a completely unprofessional viewpoint it seems to be bright enough and was able to (dimly) light up an entire LBME classroom. Next, Elliot and Mike went to the Wilson Center to attach the lamp head to the lamp frame with a pair of L-brackets. The process ended up being more difficult than anticipated, so we'll finish that up next week. Liz, Melissa, and I made a list of new survey questions (included at the bottom of this email) which have been sent to the survey team. Next, we talked about the poster and changed the categories to Background, Lamp Design, Implementation, and Future Work.

Registration for the global health symposium is due on Monday, March 21st, don't forget to register if you plan on going.

Tasks for the Week:
Steve: Find out when M-HEAL is going to WMR next, write the Future Work part of the poster
Melissa: Post lamp need info, write the Implementation part of the poster, talk to Mike Lee about when Wilson Center trainings will be
Liz: Write Lamp Design part of the poster
Jack: Post lamp need info, write the Background part of the poster
Elliot: Compile the poster over the weekend
Pat: Write the abstract for the poster
Mike: Begin work on a CAD drawing of the lamp

Please send your portion of the poster to Elliot by 7pm on Friday. Elliot, send the compiled poster to the group by Sunday at 7pm for feedback.

Let me know if you have any comments or questions or if I forgot to include something.



Survey Questions:
1). Describe what you use for surgical lighting. What procedures do you use it for?
2). In these case of a power outage, what surgical lighting do you use?
3). What have been the complications due to inadequate surgical lighting (including doe to power outages)? How frequent are these complications?
4). How much would you be willing to spend on a surgical lamp that continues to work during power outages? $___________
5). How high of a priority is surgical lighting that continues to work during power outages in terms of equipment needs?
__ Top 3
__ Top 5
__ Top 10
__ Higher than 10th

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